Monday, August 18, 2008

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Good bye blue day

RIP my car.

My moon roof got smashed in while it was parked in Houston.

I take it to my dad's dealership in a small Texas town called Bryan.
I have to leave it over night for repairs.
Next morning, they had moved cars just to steal it.

It's probably in little pieces somewhere.

Though this is like best case car theft scenario.

that aside, thanks for the ride gold car....I just wish you hadn't had all of my tools, cd's and a t-shirt in you.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Every boy needs a hobby...

Her likeness was printed on a paper cup from Mickey D's and I thought that she was really hot, so I drew her. Feel free to touch yourself while looking at this drawing. (Just doing whatever I can to aid and abet on-line masturbation...)

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wheels Not Meant To Rotate

We here at Oddburg USA wish you and yours a very happy August 4th! Not that anything of importance happened on this date, but if something does, then we'll be the first to wish it to you!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Glitter Up The Alien!

From the original brainstorming session that Vanessa, Jeanne and I had for this blog. At first we were going to call it "Glitter Up The Alien", but Oddburg just had a better feel to it.